July 25th 2016 - 023

We were about five minutes away from the sun falling below the horizon and I could feel excitement about this day coming to such a beautiful end. The sweet taste of the strawberry milkshake lingered, dissolving into a faint tasty memory… I don’t usually drink such sweet drinks so this evening was a treat for me.

July 25th 2016 - 034

I looked around me and noticed something magical… Everyone stopped looking for Pokemon on their cell phones and begun to gaze at the setting sun. Most of them were pointing their cell phones toward the horizon getting ready for that special moment when the blaze of sun dips just below the horizon and you can take a picture without that horrid streak of light dashing across your less than perfect picture.

I still had a few minutes before I could begin myself trying to get a good shot of the sunset, when I looked down at all of the rocks just a half a meter from my feet. I looked at the various rocks with their distinct markings almost resembling a family of many colors. Thoughts began to race around in my mind about all of the people who I was sharing this evening with. Young, old, middle aged, children, and even a few toddlers. I also counted at least 6 strollers passing by with their mothers, and fathers smiling about the coolness of the evening, fresh breeze and the occasional spritz from the water hitting the rocks and touching our faces.

We were all like those amazing rocks gathered right in front of me.. many look different, different markings, different colors, different sizes, but still rocks just the same.. We are all human and we belong to the family of humanity….We need peace one strong rock at a time, one human at a time… if these rocks could speak what would they tell us? They’ve been around this earth a lot longer that any of us… Wisdom comes in many shapes and sizes…..

July 25th 2016 - 021

To be continued…


Until next time…

~Laura ~

17 thoughts on “The Lake ~ Part 4 ~ The approaching Sunset

  1. Nice to know that nature can still divert young people from their phones, if only for a short time.
    I often think about how long pebbles have been on a beach, watching the passing of time.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed so Pete, I was happy to see that too…Given it was only for a few moments, but good to see just the same…Nature will always rule in the end… When gardening I’m always finding large rocks buried underneath the ground, or after winters over they sometimes rise closer to the surface, after the ground has frozen and thawed out.. I’m happy I am not the only person in the world who wonders about these mysterious stones.. Silent witnesses to time….

      Take care, Laura


      1. I believe to each their own, if it makes you happy then by all means carry on with it.. I had a boyfriend many moons ago who loved walking around his home naked.. and going outside, since he lived in a secluded area and could without any problems.. More power to all for the freedom it provides.. as for me…. hum…? I don’t think so .. I don’t even live V-neck sweaters .. But I did back in the seventies rock a bikini and the halter tops….

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m not a full on nudist, but I do like walking round the house naked sometimes. I like your open minded look at it, some people can be quite odd about it.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I believe people should do what makes them feel happy and as long as it does not harm others, they should just get over themselves and let others live a life they want..

        I can thank my grandmother for passing down the open minded view on life.. We just go around once, or perhaps we come back I’ve no idea on that one , but if we do I’d love to be a dolphin.. how about you ? what would you return as … ?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Just to say that I’ve been away from the blogs for a few days, doing this and that. I’m not sure what, exactly. It’s not as if I live the most exciting of lives, but whatever it was, it kept me away from the blogs 😉

    However, I came back and had a little look last night, saw your lake posts and I decided I would go through them properly, from the beginning, rather than starting at the end. So that’s what I am doing. And I’m enjoying them immensely 🙂

    They are posts which slow my mind down and make me breathe, rather than speeding it up because it has to concentrate. I like that 🙂 Your lake is beautiful and your thoughts about it… and the people… are much appreciated. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ros, you have no idea just how much today’s comments mean to me. It has always been my goal to cause this effect on my readers ~ either by the photographs or my writing about them. I’ve shared bits of myself with others so as to bring a smile, but your message today has produced a happy tear in my eyes because these posts have touched you in such a way. We all need to slow down and I hate to say the old saying but it’s true.. “Smell the roses…” We’d all be much happier when doing so as this I truly believe helps the body heal and our cells do a happy dance inside of our bodies… Stress, can deflate us in more ways than one.. Thank you so much my dear.. and I hope you enjoy from beginning to end.. Take care and have a Blessed and peaceful day and evening..

      Hugs to you from, Laura 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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