Most likes in one day

Alright, I know the numbers are not all that amazing to most if not all of you out there in the blogging world, but…..

And yes there is always a but as far as I’m concerned (I know insert giggle or smile)

I’ve been away for some time (Well…all winter) and I’ve suffered a loss in my family too. My older sister passed away over a month ago, so I’ve dealt with this tragic loss the best way that I can….

She loved reading my older blog and this new blog I’ve started. She would tell me it made her day ~ filled with giggles and smiles….We all need these simple things in life on a daily basis or perhaps on really bad days we might need it by the minute…

I didn’t know how I could ever return to Bluebird4Udaily offering giggles and smiles or trying my best to do so….But, after a time spent in my garden feeling thankful for the times I had talking with my sister I found courage to continue to blog here on WordPress.

So, you see the most likes in one day (12) made me smile at a time when I just needed a pure and simple emotion of joy.

I wasn’t going to share the loss of my beautiful sister in my blog, because that is not what my blog was suppose to be in the beginning, but as we grow I thought it best to expose my pain and my journey out of it to continue the circle of life as I know it. She would want me to keep posting and trying to make someones day just a little happier, or chuckle just a little louder than you’ve done before….

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Until we meet again, Sis…..

(I’m like Carol Burnett, when she pulled her earlobe at the end of every show )

You must be as old as I to know that reference ~ or Google it

7 thoughts on “Oh my Goodness I may faint

  1. Well done with the ‘Likes’, Laura. You deserve them, for having such a positive attitude to life, and for overcoming things that would have broken so many others.
    Here’s a permanent ‘Like’ from England!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ‘We all need these simple things in life on a daily basis or perhaps on really bad days we might need it by the minute…’

    Yes, indeed. Thanks for having the courage to go on blogging 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ros, thank you for your kind words….

      Depression can cause havoc within ones life if left unattended for too long.

      Sometimes, it can be a daily battle of wits ~ almost as if we were two different people…

      My sister fell silent for a time, but I know our lord is holding her tight with forgiveness in his heart for her decision.

      She loved my blog so much and often told me it made her day just that much better.

      So, here I am once again with her spirit in my heart and still trying to give her giggles and smiles 🙂

      Take care sweet friend and your visits to my blog make me smile broadly and I feel blessed to have you pop in and take a gander at what this old gal is up to…

      Laura 🙂


  3. I used to watch Carol Burnett every week. She had a great cast: Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, and Lyle Waggoner. She also had a host of celebrity guests. In recent years, I’ve rewatched some of the hilarious skits on YouTube. (Remember this? “Hi, Pa-a-a-a-a-a-tsy!”).


    1. lividemerald2013, yes I sure do remember that well. The show was always on the top of my list to watch weekly. They never failed to offer up so much laughter by just being simple and silly.. I strive to keep my life simple in all manner of ways. I also try to insert being silly as often as I can during each day. My children use to say, “Oh mom, you’re silly…” and I’d reply, “Isn’t that great!”

      Life contains so many stressful ingredients that make up our lives, and it seems as technology improves to make our lives easier ~ its done just the reverse….who speaks with their neighbors anymore? Who knocks on their doors when we know they are not feeling well.. So, I continue to add the ingredients of being silly and keep the rest of the ingredients simple.. A perfect life’s Meal served daily…. Thank you for digging back to find this post. I think I needed reminding of this as Dec 25th without my sister approaches near.. Bless you

      Take care, Laura

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just thinking of Tim Conway makes me smile! I agree that life can be very stressful, and that a bit of silliness is not a bad remedy. Take care. I’m looking forward to the next riddle and Weary Traveler installment.

        Liked by 1 person

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